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Running Track

About the Program

Athletes As Leaders™ (originally Student Leaders & Athletic Youth) is a program designed for high school athletes on girls’ sports teams. Student athletes are encouraged to be leaders in changing social norms at school (and beyond) to a culture of safety and respect. Learn more on our Background Information page. To use the AAL materials at no cost, you must first read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the UW license. Complete the short form that pops up on this page (desktop version only; not available on mobile site). Want a step-by-step guide to get you started? Check out toolkits for Advocates and Mentors

Sessions by Week

Title Page

Table of Contents, Authors, and Acknowledgements

Preseason Session 

Topic: Returning Athletes and Team Building

For Reference: Healthy Team Building Ideas

Session 1


Topic: Introductions & Group Agreements

For Reference: AAL Core Principles

Session 2

Topic: Understanding Privilege & Oppression

Optional Video:  “Sometimes You’re a Caterpillar”

Session 3

Topic: Challenging Harmful Stereotypes

For Reference:  Oppression Chart & Glossary

Session 4

Topic: Addressing Misinformation & Bias

Session 5

Topic:  Unpacking Beauty Standards

Session 6

Topic: Ending Rumor Spreading & Shaming

Session 7

Topic:  Promoting Consent 

Optional Video:  “Consent is Everything"


Session 8

Topic:  Fostering Healthy Relationships

Session 9

Topic:  Building Community

Session 10

Topic:   Celebrating Our Successes


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